Are you an Importer or Distributor looking for Premium Alphonso Mangoes??
In sequence of encounters during the course of our journey! These Lighthouses toiled their life for Agriculture so that our generation got things in platter. Remember, during their hay-days agriculture was not a money-minter; they chose Agriculture for their passion. Their energy radiates through their work so much so that we (younger by average 25-30 years) feel laggards in front of them.
First and Foremost are the Alphonso Mango Growers from Konkan! Your zeal in face of ever-mounting difficulties, keeps us moving!
– We met Syed sir with intention of getting inputs for our traceability Project. Little did we knew that he is stalwart in field of Indian agriculture academia. He has helped us by opening avenues to latest information in field of Automation in Agriculture.
– His practical approach towards current issues faced by India Agriculture is what sets him apart in our opinion. His thoughts are always pivoted around increased revenues for farmers.
– MSAMB (Maharashtra StateAgricultural Marketing Board) officials who guided us for our export queries. They always welcomed us for our silliest of queries and doubts.
– Late Mr. Satish Waghmode : MSAMB Vashi. Even when we didn’t have any export order, he always encouraged us to keep trying. Gave insights on different GoI schemes and programs.
– Mr. Milind Joshi : MSAMB Ratnagiri (Nachne). His love for Mangoes is evident from the way he operates the facility. No-nonsense person and will ensure that best is offered to person who walks into his cabin.
– Our correspondence with Nimrod sir started via LinkedIn. We are big fan of his work done for Mango farmers in Africa. Even though he is a “Maestro” farmer from Israel (county with best agri-tech solutions), his recommendations are based on Financials models rather than blind-application of technology.
– We had opportunity to meet him in Lucknow (UP, India). The meeting slot was for 15 mins, he ended giving us 90 mins of his busy schedule. His posts/mails continue to inspire us!
Mr. Umesh Lanjekar
– Class! If you need one word to describe Umesh Sir. Picture Perfect example of leading the pack on providing Quality Produce. Always Experimenting / trying new things to create solution fabricated for local ecosystem
– If he has an opinion he will say it loud and clear. Living Encyclopaedia of Alphonso mangoes to such an extent, that when we met him for the first time, we felt our knowledge-base was near-zero!
Mr. M. Victor
– Institution in himself! Victor sir has pledged nearly 40 years for development of Post-Harvest machinery specially suited for delicate Alphonso Mangoes. His Subject Matter Expertise is purely from decades of research and travel to remotest part of Konkan (home of Alphonso Mangoes).
– Victor sir has been consultant to industry-leaders and single-handedly setup Mango Post-Processing facilities for top export houses in India. But more than his clientele, what we love about him, is his belief in us!
PS: Mrs. Victor has promised to give us best photo of Victor Sir. Till then Display photo of his work!